Thursday, October 1, 2009

More People Going to the Birds

National Aviary officials say they set an attendance record this summer. The Aviary says from May to August, paid attendance jumped 33% over the same period last year. National Aviary Executive Director Patrick Mangus says much of the spike can be attributed to interest in the new Penguin Point Exhibit. Mangus says it is hard to say how much impact the slow economy had on attendance. Out of town visits may have dropped but local visits by those taking “staycations” could have made up for the loss. Mangus says he hopes to see big numbers in the coming years even after the newness of the Penguin exhibit wears off. The National Aviary is still building a new FliteZone Theater that is scheduled to open fall 2010. The theater will house the popular live flight shows currently held in the courtyard. That addition is expected to boost admissions when it first opens.

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