Friday, October 9, 2009

Pa. DEP Hosts Energy Workshops for Nonprofits

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) held several energy efficiency and conservation workshops as part of its annual Be Utility Wise meeting today. Utility providers and nonprofit agencies attended to learn the latest in energy efficiency news and state assistance programs, such as the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

Area electricity providers presented updates on their plans to reduce demand 4.5% by 2013, as delineated by Act 129 of 2008. DEP spokeswoman Holly Cairns says each company had a different method of achieving this goal and other community outreach programs required by Act 129.

Cairns says the conservation consultants who attended workshops today will pass the information they learned on to the public through their various agencies to help support smarter energy usage and promote assistance programs like LIHEAP.

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