Monday, October 19, 2009

Pittsburgh Groups Ask for Week Without Violence

The Young Women’s Christian Association is asking the Pittsburgh community for its support in the 14th annual Week Without Violence. Local schools and nonprofits will hold events all week to discuss violence within various groups of people.

YWCA Vice President of Development and Communications Carmelle Nickens Phillips says the Community College of Allegheny County is hosting a particularly interesting discussion.

“They’re doing a focus group on the history of hate crimes against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the region. This presentation is … free and open to the public. It’s from 5:30 to 7:30 [Monday] at the Tom Forrester Student Center on campus,” says Phillips.

A number of other schools and nonprofits will also hold events, like Carlow University and Robert Morris University, as well as the Mayor’s Youth Council.

The week started Sunday with a moment of silence for victims of violence and will continue until Friday, when the YWCA’s Teen Leadership Institute will host a film presentation and panel discussion on “Violence and Girls.” A full list of events can be found by calling 412 255-1258 or at the YWCA website.

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