Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Poll Numbers Down For Specter

A new statewide poll shows Democratic US Senator Arlen Specter is sliding. Franklin and Marshall College Poll director Terry Madonna says Arlen Specter’s 29% approval rating is the senator’s lowest performance since the survey began asking that question in 1991. On top of that, just 23-percent of respondents say the longtime incumbent deserves another term. Madonna adds 66% of the respondents say it’s time for a change. “What also should be alarming for Senator Specter is that of the people who say it’s time for a change, we get about the same percentages of Democrats, Independents and Republicans who indicate that,” Says Madonna. Specter leads his Democratic challenger, Congressman Joe Sestak, in a head-to-head matchup, and he’s also in front of the likely Republican nominee, Pat Toomey. Madonna says that’s mostly due to Sestak and Toomey’s low name recognition. The poll shows there is a high number of undecided voters which should not be a surprise given the primary is still more than 6 months away and the general election is more than a year away. Outside of the senate race, only four in ten respondents say President Barack Obama is doing a good job, and 60% think Pennsylvania is on “the wrong track.”

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