Monday, October 19, 2009

Specter Chairs Green Economy Hearing

Democratic Senator Arlen Specter today chaired a Senate hearing in Pittsburgh regarding clean energy and proposed legislation that would move America towards having a green economy. Specter heard from representatives from the fields of green building, energy and government. Three separate panels testified before the Senator. The first panel was in regards to job creation as a result of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and predictions of job creation that would result from the passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act. The second panel consisted of representatives of Labor and Energy companies and discussed how the American Clean Energy and Security Act would affect their fields. The third panel consisted of representatives from green building companies and green energy who discussed how the American Clean Energy and Security Act would position America at the front of a global green energy economy.

A major theme from all three panels was that of balance. The panels called for a balanced approach to transitioning to a green economy and the institution of green technologies. For example, according to Michael Peck of Gamesa USA the wind power industry would have trouble in an economy where carbon has a price because half of the materials used in a wind turbine are made in other parts of the world and shipped to where they are needed. Peck said that in order for a wind power company to survive in the proposed green economy new companies would need to start developing the materials needed for wind turbines locally.

The American Clean Energy and Security Act has passed the House of Representatives and is now in the United States Senate.

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