Wednesday, October 14, 2009

St. Vincent College President Resigns

After 4 years in the post, St. Vincent College President Jim Towey says he will leave at the end of the academic year. He says, “I came to St. Vincent as an agent of change, so that limits your shelf life.” He says he was able to get done in four years what he thought it would take longer to do and after prayer with his wife, they felt it was time to move on. He says he is proud that the school has increased its enrollment and has undertaken the largest construction effort in the history of the Catholic school. Towey says it is unclear what his next step will be, but he is putting that in the hands of God. He says, “If you had told me seven years ago that I would be president of St. Vincent’s College I would have said, ‘Where is that?’” Towey says the college has increased its national visibility with commencement speeches from Steeler Coach Mike Tomlin and President George W. Bush. Towey boasts that 25% of this year’s incoming freshman class is from out of state. Towey's prior job was Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives in the Bush administration.

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