Friday, October 16, 2009

State-Related Universities Await PA Funding

Now that Pennsylvania has the majority of its budget in place, checks are on the way to organizations across the state. But State-related universities are still waiting for funding, and officials are growing anxious.
The details of legalized table games at Pennsylvania casinos are the last remaining piece of Pennsylvania’s budget. Governor Rendell and House Democratic leaders agreed not to pass a bill funding state-related universities and other institutions until table games legislation becomes law.
The measure authorizes more than 700 million dollars worth of appropriations, including 334 million dollars for Penn State University.
School spokeswoman Lisa Powers says that money goes toward all sorts of academic initiatives.

"These funds have had to be made up with our cash reserves, which means our investment earnings have been reduced. And it puts more strain on our budget. We had to carry, of course, about 25 million dollars in PHEAA grants for our students, just so they could, in fact, come to school and attend. We kind of fronted them the money for almost two months now."

Temple University is waiting on 173 million dollars, and the University of Pittsburgh is expecting 168 million.
Drexel and Lincoln Universities would receive much smaller amounts when the table games measure becomes law.

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