Monday, November 2, 2009

Commuter Airline Commits to Pittsburgh

A Florida based airline says it will begin offering service from Pittsburgh International to several cities within 400 miles some time in the first quarter of next year. Gulfstream International Airlines spokesperson Mickey Bowman says the exact routes and number of flights will be announced later this year. He says he cannot release the names of the cities they are targeting but some of them “are fairly obvious.” Bowman says, “Since 2003, important destinations within a 400-mile radius of Pittsburgh no longer have nonstop air service, among them the state capitol in Harrisburg.” The airline uses 19 passenger twin turbo prop aircraft. Bowman says the airline will not be running a discount fare operation. “We are talking about walk up fares of under $200 and advance purchase of less than $300 round trip,” says Bowman. He says they are targeting business travelers so they expect to serve each city with more than two flights a day.

Earlier this year the Federal Aviation Administration threatened to fine Gulfstream $1.3 million for improper maintenance and pilot scheduling. Gulfstream sent a letter to the FAA outlining how some of the violations stem from misunderstandings in the company’s record keeping systems. The company and the administration are currently engaged in a settlement process.

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