Monday, November 2, 2009

County Residents Can Get Weatherization Help

Lower income homeowners and renters in Allegheny County have an additional $20 million they can tap into to help weatherize their homes. The money is the county’s portion of more than $250 million in federal stimulus money allocated to Pennsylvania for the energy saving work. The county expects to help 2,900 residences over the next 30 months. The goal is to use the funds to leverage private and foundation dollars to grow the pot. The county is also working to recruit minority contractors and workers to do the retrofits and to train workers to do the work. Among the work that can be done using the funds; weather stripping, replacing cracked or broken glass in windows, and insulating hot water tanks, exposed pipes and attic areas. In order to qualify for the program, homeowners and renters must have incomes less than 200% of the poverty rate. For a family of four that would be $44,100. The federal government estimates the average energy savings from the services would reduce families’ utility bills by approximately $400 a year.

ACTION-Housing and Steel Valley OIC will conduct audits on eligible residences and hire contractors to perform the needed weatherization work. Steel Valley OIC serves Southern Allegheny County and the Mon Valley, while ACTION-Housing serves the City of Pittsburgh and the rest of Allegheny County.

For assistance:

City of Pittsburgh residents 412-227-5700 ext. 2102

Southern Allegheny County and Mon Valley residents 412-678-8622

Allegheny County residents in other areas 412-227-3700 ext. 2106

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