Saturday, November 14, 2009

Recount in PA Superior Court Race

There will be a statewide recount in the November 3rd election for the fourth and final open seat on Pennsylvania Superior Court. Republican Temp Smith, an attorney from suburban Pittsburgh (Mt. Lebanon), has decided not to waive his right to a recount. A 2004 state law provides for an automatic recount when vote totals are separated by a half percent or less of the votes cast. Three candidates were within that margin of Democrat Anne Lazarus, the leader for the fourth court seat. 2 Democrats, Robert Colville and Kevin McCarthy each sent letters to the Department of State indicating they would forego the recount if all 3 agreed. But Smith opted to have the recount go forward. Smith would not comment but Allegheny County Republican Chairman Jim Roddey did..
" With over 6 million votes cast in the race for Superior Court, there is only one-tenth of a percent between Temp Smith and the fourth place candidate.
No one should be disenfranchised and the will of the people should dictate elections and not the will of public officials or alleged budget constraints. It is imperative that the voters are assured that every vote is counted. The integrity of the entire democratic system relies on a fair and accurate vote and not a ballot that’s close enough!”

Secretary of State Pedro Cortes says each county will begin a recount Wednesday and the process is expected to be completed within a week. The results will then be submitted to the state by November 30th. The cost of the recount is estimated at $1.3 million.

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