Monday, November 9, 2009

A+ Schools Releases Report On Pittsburgh Public Schools

A+ Schools has released its 5Th annual report to the community on public school progress in Pittsburgh. The goal of the report is to identify answers to several questions that include progress on lowering the achievement gap, finding if there has been progress on the PSSA state examinations and individual school performances. A+ Schools executive director Carey Harris says that overall there has been district wide progress on the PSSA exams and that nearly all of the progress has exceeded that of the state wide average. Harris said there remains issues regarding lowering the achievement gap between white and black students. On hand for the presentation of the report was School District President Mark Roosevelt and John Tarka of the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers. They both agreed that the situation in the Pittsburgh Public Schools is a good one because all of the powers involved agree on what goals they want to achieve and are active in working in a constructive manner to achieve them.

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