Friday, December 25, 2009

12 Days of Christmas Expensive This Year

In its 26th annual Christmas Price Index survey PNC Wealth Management has determined that the cost of Christmas this year is $21,465.56. Based on the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas" PNC determined the cost of every gift. Three items fell from last year, five increased in cost and four remained the same. A partridge in a pear tree, six geese a laying and seven swans a swimming decreased in cost while four calling birds, 10 lords a leaping, 11 pipers piping and 12 drummers drumming all remained the same. Two turtle doves, three french hens, five gold rings, eight maids a milking, and nine ladies dancing all increased in price. This years index is the smallest increase since 2002 when the index fell 7.6 percent. The true cost of Christmas is much more expensive though at $87,402.81. The true cost of Christmas means purchasing not just a present for every day but the prior days presents as well. If you were to purchase your gifts on the Internet then you would be paying even more. The cost this year is $31,434.85 and $127,643.08.

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