Tuesday, December 15, 2009

AG Names Three More

A member of Governor Rendell’s cabinet and a top House Democrat are the latest to face charges in an ongoing legislative corruption probe. According to Attorney General Tom Corbett, Democratic Whip Bill DeWeese relied almost entirely on state-funded legislative staffers to run his reelection campaigns. The presentment also accuses the former Majority Leader and House Speaker of operating fundraising efforts out of the Capitol. He and staffer Sharon Rodavich face conflict of interest, theft and conspiracy charges. Revenue Secretary Steve Stetler also faces charges for allegedly directing state employees to carry out political work like opposition research and fundraising. Before joining the Rendell Administration, Stetler represented York County, and led the House Democratic Campaign Committee. He resigned from his job in the administartion a few hours before the charges were announced. Rendell says Stetler did a good job as secretary, and reminded reporters defendants are innocent until proven guilty, referencing former Democratic Representative Sean Ramaley’s acquittal in the corruption probe’s first trial.
Listen to a conversation with Harrisburg correspondent Scott Detrow and DUQ's Kevin Gavin

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