Thursday, December 10, 2009

Allegheny County Budget Signed

Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato today signed the 2010 budget totaling $773.5 million. That's $10.8 million or 1.4% higher than this year's spending plan. In addition, the 2010 capital budget of $92.6 million includes 97 infrastructure and capital improvement projects. That includes $41.4 million for bridge construction, maintenance, repair and design.
Under the new operating budget, the Community College of Allegheny County will receive a 2% boost in its appropriation....up to $22.3 million.
In addition to operating funds, the Port Authority will receive $8.6 million for acquisition, construction and improvement of mass transit infrastructure including a new automated fare collection system.
The budget does not include an increase in property taxes.
Even though the county is under court order to begin a reassessment of all 575,000 properties in the county in 2010, there is no additional allocation in the new budget for that. A county spokesman told DUQ that they believe the initial work can be done with current staff and the additional expenditures including the hiring of a private company to assist in the assessments will come in the 2011 budget.

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