Thursday, December 3, 2009

H1N1 Peaked in PA But Another Wave Expected

Although health officials confirm that swine flu has peaked, Pennsylvania’s Acting Physician General says there is still a lot of H1N1 around.
Dr. Stephen Ostroff says there are more than 10 thousand confirmed cases in the state and that represents only a small portion of the actual number. Ostroff says there have been 57 confirmed fatalities but they believe the actual death toll is at least 4 times that. Ostroff says the spread of the disease began to slow in November but even though it’s peaked it’s still important to take precautions.
Ostroff says he was frustrated that the vaccine did not become available as rapidly as the swine flu came around in early fall but the supply and demand has about evened out. In fact, the vaccine might soon be available to people not in the five targeted groups: pregnant women, people between 6 months and 24 years old; care providers for children less than 6 months; medical personnel; and, those between 25 and 64 with underlying conditions. He says it’s still important to get the vaccine because they expect another wave of the H1N1 to hit in winter or very early spring.

Listen to an extended interview with Dr. Ostroff

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