Thursday, December 3, 2009

ICA Gets New Budget

Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl has submitted a revised 2010 budget to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority. The ICA board rejected the first budget submitted by the mayor in September saying it was not based on legal and reliable revenues. Board Chair Barbara McNees said at the time the 1% tax on tuition was not allowed under state law and could not be included I the budget. The mayor reportedly found $15 million in cost savings and revenue enhancements including upward adjustments to some existing revenue streams and the addition of some new one-time income sources. ICA Executive Director Henry Sciortino says the authority has 15 days to review and vote on the budget. He says staff has begun the process and he sees no reason why the deadline would not be met. If the ICA rejects the spending plan the Mayor will have to continue to resubmit budgets until he gets the needed votes. After the ICA approves the spending plan city council must approve the budget by December 31st.

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