Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kraus: Fight the Court Order

An Allegheny County Court of Common Please judge (Joseph James) has struck down a city ordinance that would limit the number of bars in a given area. The measure was passed with Carson Street in mind but applies in all business districts in the city. The judge declared the ordinance to be invalid because it infringed on the powers of the Liquor Control Board. City Councilman Bruce Kraus, who represents the South Side, says he is ready to fight the ruling and he will hold the mayor t his promise to do the same. The mayor made the promise in a letter sent April 16th to his own South Side Advisor Commission that reads in part, “…our city law department will defend any court action challenging [the restaurant and liquor license zoning ordinance].” Kraus says, “I look forward to standing side by side with the mayor and the newly appointed city solicitor in challenging this court order.” Kraus says he will trust that City Solicitor Dan Regan will be able to set aside any conflicts he might have over this case. Kraus grilled Regan during confirmation hearings over his ties to the law firm of Caputo and Caputo, which is the law firm of record in the fight to overturn the ordinance. Regan was one of three partners in that firm until his confirmation this week.

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