Friday, December 4, 2009

Local Businessman Joined White House Forum

A Pittsburgh-based business owner joined approximately 130 others at the Job and Economic Growth Forum the White House hosted on Thursday. Raul Valdes-Perez is Co Founder of Vivisimo, a search engine software company in Squirrel Hill. He says his primary role at the forum was to listen to proposed ideas during brainstorming sessions, which he says went over well.

Valdez-Perez says his experience was a good one, and he’s happy to represent one of the many small businesses across the country. He was particularly interested in one proposal that would give tax credits toward job creation. Valdez-Perez says that would especially help small businesses in the private sector create more jobs without a significant cost, while it also would involve little government intervention.

The next step now is for Congress to pick out the best plans presented at the forum and bring some effective job creating ideas into fruition.

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