Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Manpower: Hiring Rates Stay Mostly Level

The hiring pace of American employers will likely be down from last spring in the first quarter of 2010, according to a national study. But the study says hiring will be slightly up from this winter.

The employment agency Manpower revealed in their quarterly Employment Outlook Survey today that approximately 12% of American employers plan to increase their staff levels spring 2010. That’s compared to about 19% last year and 12% last quarter.

The Pittsburgh region’s estimate is slightly lower than the national average at 11%.

Manpower Regional Director Kelly Scott says though the numbers are down from last spring, they’re on the rise from this winter.

Scott says the most significant hiring increases are expected in durable goods manufacturing, information technology and government.

She says nationally, employers in the middle and eastern United States said they would hire more than those in the west.

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