Friday, January 1, 2010

Go Green For New Years

Instead of trying to quit smoking or dieting for a New Year's resolution, the Pennsylvania Resources Council suggests to be more environmentally friendly instead. PRC Western Regional Director Dave Mazza says it can be easy, simple tasks that benefit the environment. For instance, participating in recycling, or creating rain barrels and composting sites around the home.

He says the tasks are simple enough to adhere to and continue habitually. He offers up 5 main ideas to keep in mind when you shop.

1. When you shop, use the 5 R's
• Reduce
• Reuse
• Recycle
• Reject
• React

2. Recycle/Buy Recycled
• Learn what to recycle
• Help Close the Recycling Loop
• Find out where to buy products made from recycled materials

3. Healthy Alternatives
• Choose nontoxic alternatives for cleaning and gardening

4. Energy Conservation
Save money by learning about:
• Energy and Efficiency
• Rating Energy Star
• Choosing the right lighting

5. Visit PRC's Environmental Living Center
Learn About:
• Organic Gardening
• Worms and on-site composting
• Carpet made from recycled soda bottles
• Our "slate" roof made from recycled plastic and tires
• Lumber made from plastic and wood shavings
• Water and energy conservation in action
• Surfing the web for environmental information

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