Monday, January 4, 2010

Harris Becomes City Council President

Pittsburgh City Council today elected a new President, Darlene Harris. Harris, who represents the 1st district was nominated by Councilman Bill Peduto who originally sought the position. Peduto says he nominated and voted for Harris because he couldn't get the 5 votes he needed to become President and he did not want the Mayor to have any more of an opportunity to manipulate the process of electing a council President. Peduto says the Mayor was calling meetings with other council members to discuss the council Presidency. Harris said she is excited to hold the position and looks forward to working cooperatively with the Mayor and rest of council. Harris also named chairs to some of City Council's committee's. Bill Peduto will chair the Finance Committee, Theresa Smith will chair the Public Safety Committee, Bruce Kraus will chair the Public Works Committee, Doug Shields will chair the Land Use and Economic Development Committee and Natalia Rudiak will chair the General and Government Services Committee. All of the people who were appointed to committee's voted for Harris as President except for Smith who was also nominated for the Presidency.

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