Wednesday, January 27, 2010

NAACP Calls for a full investigation into Student Beating

The Pittsburgh chapter of the NAACP says called for a full investigation of the beating of 18-year-old CAPA student Jordan Miles. M. Gayle Moss, chapter president said the 3 officers should be held accountable and should be taken off the streets. They plan to
file a civil rights lawsuit against the Pittsburgh police after the viola player alleged that officers brutally beat him in front of his Homewood house.

In photos, he is shown bruised and bloody with hair ripped from his head. The beating occurred January 12. The boys mother, Terez Miles, says the three white officers targeted her son because he is black. She said anyone who has ever been racially profiled or beaten by police because of their race should come forward. Her son is recovering physically but still has doctors appointments and will hopefully return to school next week. Miles said she has had trouble sleeping since the incident.

The FBI is looking into whether Pittsburgh police officers violated Miles' civil rights.

The officers have been placed in uniform while the city investigates.

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