Monday, January 11, 2010

Pro-Life Group Exhorts Pro-Life Representatives

As part of a nine city tour, pro-life women met in Pittsburgh this morning to demand that pro-life Congressional representatives oppose the Senate version of health care reform.

The group outside Cong. Mike Doyle’s office also had a message for Pennsylvania representatives Kathy Dahlkemper, Jason Altmire, and John Murtha. Marilyn Musgrave is a former Congresswoman from Colorado and director of the Susan B. Anthony List Votes Have Consequences program. She says the representatives who voted for the Stupak Amendment in the House of Representatives health care reform bill must not sell out, as did Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska, who ended up supporting a bill that she calls "abortion on demand" funded by the federal government.

Musgrave will also appear with local pro-life leaders in Ohio and Indiana.

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