Monday, February 15, 2010

City Says It's Ready for Round 3

Public Works crews in the city of Pittsburgh are ready for the third snow storm to hit the region in 10 days. 3 to 6 inches of snow is expected in the Pittsburgh area by Tuesday afternoon and 4 to 10 inches in other parts of southwestern Pennsylvania, with the highest amounts in the ridges.
Pittsburgh Public Works Director Rob Kaczorowski says they pre-treated the main roads and will work in two-12 hour shifts with 53 vehicles plowing and salting beginning with primary streets. Kaczorowski says they are equipped to handle 6 to 10 inches of snow, even up to 12 inches. He says one challenge is where to put this new snow and yesterday they were able to reduce some of the snow mounds. "We are using all of our resources to battle this next snow event. After this storm, we will remove the piles of snow in business districts and residential streets."

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