Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Council OK's Additional $600K for Libraries

Pittsburgh City Council passed legislation today sending $600,000 to the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The funds amount to a second payment from the city in return for a promise from the library to not close any branches this year. CLP had originally planned to close four libraries and reduce hours at the remaining facilities but put that on hold for another year when Pittsburgh City Council said it could find $600,000 in unspent funds in its 2009 budget and the same amount in the 2010 budget. Library Spokesperson Suanne Thinnes says the library still faces a funding gap for 2011 and the library board is looking for ways to close that gap. Thinnes says even the promise of additional revenues from the tax on table games in Pennsylvania will not be enough to close the gap. That tax is expected to generate about $850,000 for the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.

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