Friday, February 19, 2010

Singel to Seek Murtha's Seat

Former Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Mark Singel has announced he will seek the 12th Congressional District seat vacated by the death this month of U.S. Representative John Murtha of Johnstown. Singel says he is a candidate in both the special election to serve out Murtha's current term and the primary election for the Democratic nomination. The Democratic Party will select the nominee for the special election which will be held at the same time as the primary, May 18th.
Singel, who was a state senator for 6 years and served as lieutenant governor from 1987-95, called Murtha a friend and mentor..."First and foremost, it is critical that the work begun by Congressman Murtha be continued. This requires someone who understands the legislative process and has an ability to hit the ground running."
Singel said Democrats cannot afford to lose this seat..."the people are restless. They do not believe anyone is really on their side. It's time for us to stop yelling at each other and start listening to each other."
Singel is founder of the Winter Group, a government relations firm.

Former Pennsylvania Auditor General and Treasurer Barbara Hafer has also expressed interest in the vacant Congressional seat. But Hafer has said that she would not run if John Murtha's widow, Joyce seeks the seat.
The Democratic Party will choose the nominee for the special election May 18th to serve out the final 7 months of Murtha's term.

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