Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Small Business Owners Downtown Report Slow Business

Most of the city is shut down today. The streets are empty of people but full of snow. Some small business owners in downtown Pittsburgh were open and reporting slow business. Rex Streno, owner of Ulrich Shoe Repair said business has been very slow. He had a few customers Monday and Tuesday and expected fewer today. He said most people were staying out of downtown.

The week before Valentines Day should be busy at jewelry stores but not at Pittsburgh Gold Marketplace. Owner Joshua Ifrah said he has lived in many US cities but has never seen streets as unplowed as Pittsburgh's. He said the neglect is almost criminal. He had one customer Tuesday.

John Vazquez, owner of Pittsburgh Black and Gold forever, said he's had some business - he sells hats and gloves, things people need in a pinch.

A lone employee at a Quiznos sandwich shop said he didn't mind the lack of traffic. He said it was almost like having a day off.

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