Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow Removal Town Hall Meeting

A state politician is holding a town hall meeting on Thursday for concerned residents who want to better address the Pittsburgh snow removal issues.
Representative Chelsa Wagner, of Allegheny County, wants to hear from those who still have issues with the roadways, and also, suggestions on how these problems can be better remedied in the future. She says she’s heard many different complaints about the poor conditions at her office, and many of those concerns have been addressed. However, there are still problems that remain. For instance, snow blocking lanes of traffic, without any given warning. Also, there is still an issue with some right of way crosswalks that have not been cleared for pedestrians.
Wagner says she invited the mayor to attend, although she has not heard a response. Officials from Pittsburgh Public Works declined the invitation to join.
The meeting will be held on Feb. 25, at St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, on 933 Brookline Blvd. at 6:30 p.m.

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