Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Task Force to Probe City's Performance During Snow Emergency

It's been 72 hours since the snow stopped falling from this past weekend's storm and complaints from city of Pittsburgh residents continue to come in about streets that are still unplowed and power outages. So City Councilwoman Natalia Rudiak has been named to lead a task force to examine the city's performance during the current snow emergency.
Rudiak, whose car is still snowbanked outside her home, says she's received phone calls, e-mails, texts, Facebook and Twitter messages from constituents...."People just want to know the reasons for the delays" in having streets plowed and electricity restored, and "if we tell them, I believe there will be a level of comfort."
But she admits that thousands of people across the city are still snowed in....."people are angry that it is taking so long to get power restored and streets cleared, and there needs to be accountability."
The first term councilwoman says public works crews were helping remove downed trees and power lines and that delayed the plowing.
Rudiak says the task force will convene later this week and will investigate and make recommendations on how the city can better administer its emergency operations in the future.

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