Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2% Fee Proposed for Cutting into Pavement

Pittsburgh City Council President Darlene Harris has introduced legislation that would force utilities to pay the city a fee if they cut into a newly paved street. Harris says she has heard stories that utilities move into neighborhoods days after the streets are paved to being underground work because it is easier to cut into the fresh asphalt. The measure would force utilities to pay 2% of the cost of paving the street if they cut into it any time in the 4 years after it is paved. There is an exception for emergency repairs. The funds would be used to add extra sealant to the street after the utilities fill the holes. Harris says once the pavement is cut, water starts to get underneath and that shortens the life of the surface. She says the city does not have enough money in its budget to get to all of the streets that need to be resurfaced and shortening the life span of the pavement only makes matters worse.

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