Monday, March 15, 2010

9 GOP Candidates for Lieutenant Governor

Nine Republican candidates will be on the ballot for lieutenant governor this spring including conservative firebrand Daryl Metcalfe.
Metcalfe, a five term Butler County State Representative, says he doesn’t view the lieutenant governor's position as a partnership with the governor, vowing to hold either Tom Corbett or Sam Rohrer accountable, and promising to run against his ticket mate in the next election should he raises taxes or increase spending.
The party’s endorsed candidate, Bucks County Commissioner Jim Cawley, disagrees with that approach to the job.

"I think that I’m looking forward to serving with Tom Corbett, to changing Pennsylvania and making it a place we can be proud of again. I’m not interested in using the lieutenant governor’s position as a weapon."

Metcalfe, who’s attracted international attention for his controversial comments about gays and lesbians, veterans, Muslims and other groups. Metcalfe says he’s confident he

"From Second Amendment coalitions, to those who are strong supporters of family values – the marriage between a man and a woman, protecting life. And the fiscal issues I’ve been working on. To try and reduce spending and reduce taxes. I’ve got a lot of folks across the state that support the work I’m doing to try and stop the excessive spending."

Political scientist Christopher Borick of Muhlenberg College gives the advantage to Cawley, saying the party endorsement carries weight in a race like the lieutenant governor primary, where voters aren’t paying close attention to the candidates.

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