Friday, March 5, 2010

Census Seeks to Smooth the Way for Mailings

The U.S. Census Bureau wants residents to know a few things as the questionnaires go out to households around the country. There are only ten question, return postage is free and answers are completely confidential. Pam Golden, Media Specialist for the bureau says it's important that people complete and return the forms because that data will determine congressional districts and the distribution of more than $400 billion in federal, state and local funds for the next ten years. She notes that international students and immigrants also have to be counted, since this is a tally of current residents, not citizens. She also wants to make sure college students are not over or under counted; the bureau is working with universities to get forms to those who live in dorms, commuter students should be counted as a part of the household in which they live, and those living independently will receive a form in the mail. Golden warns that if they do not receive a form by mail, door knockers will be deployed to get the data. More information can be found at

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