Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Corbett Pleased With Veon Verdict

Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett is pushing back against criticism that former House Democratic Whip Mike Veon and two former aides were only convicted on a handful of the 139 counts they faced.
Mike Veon was convicted on just 14 of the 59 counts he faced, but Corbett says that’s a misleading figure.
Corbett explains prosecutors filed four duplicative theft charges in each of the 11 criminal episodes they alleged Veon took part in.

"There can only be one theft, and the jury had to decide which one it is. Technically a jury could decide, well it’s all four. But for the purposes of sentencing they would have been merged together and only sentences under one count."

Veon, who was convicted for seven different episodes, faces up to 73 years in jail.
Annamarie Peretta-Rosepink’s maximum sentence is 25 years, while Brett Cott’s is 17.
Corbett says he expects all three will serve time. The legislative corruption investigation is ongoing.
Corbett says there’s “a potential” for more arrests, but wouldn’t provide any specific details.

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