Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Democratic Legislators against Corbett's Lawsuit

Democratic state legislators are speaking out in opposition to Attorney General Tom Corbett’s lawsuit against the federal health care legislation. Senator Daylin Leach says Corbett has every right to be opposed to the bill, but it's different to file a lawsuit against it. Leach says he’s going to send a letter to Corbett’s office with a growing list of signatures, asking Corbett “to desist” in going forward with the lawsuit. Signatures include several members of the state Democratic caucus.
Representative Tim Briggs, of Montgomery County, says Corbett’s actions are fiscally and morally irresponsible, saying the lawsuit will add up to a waste of taxpayer money. He also says the motion is a way for Corbett to grandstand the issue and “to score political points toward his campaign trail,” referring to his run for governor. Representative Bryan Lentz, of Delaware County, says doing this is not within his responsibilities as an attorney general.

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