Saturday, March 6, 2010

Emergency Officials Prepare for Flooding

With temperatures in the Pittsburgh region warming to 50 degrees by Tuesday, emergency services officials are preparing for flooding due to melting snow. More than 200 public safety officials from most municipalities in Allegheny County met yesterday with representatives from the National Weather Service, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies. Bob Full, Allegheny County's Emergency Management Chief, says the problem is the snow in remote areas that will and cause a rise in river levels. Full advised residents in areas with flood-prone creeks and streams to gather supplies for at least 72 hours.
Meantime, the Army Corps of Engineers has inspection of portion of the Girty's Run Flood Protection Project that collapsed Thursday evening in Millvale. A 50-foot section of the flood wall collapsed into the creek causing a partial obstruction. A Corps spokesman says water is still able to pass but there could be flooding if there is heavy rain or a quick snowmelt.

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