Thursday, March 18, 2010

Feds Issue Subpoenas In Miles Case

The investigation into the actions of 3 white, plainclothes Pittsburgh police officers during the January arrest of an African-American high school honors student will continue. City officials had hoped to wrap up the Office of Municipal Investigations (OMI) inquiry soon after a district magistrate dropped resisting arrest and other charges against 18 year old Jordan Miles of Homewood.
Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl says the city's investigation will remain open while the Justice Department conducts its own probe. Federal authorities have confirmed they are investigating whether the 3 police officers, Michael Saldutte, Richard Ewing and David Sisak, violated Miles' civil rights.
Ravenstahl says the city has been issued "numerous subpoenas" by federal authorities and is "cooperating fully," but he wouldn't say to which individuals the subpoenas were issued. He says the OMI investigation will remain open until the federal authorities conclude their inquiries.
Miles, an honors student at the Creative and Performing Arts High School (CAPA), says the 3 men did not identify themselves as police officers when they tried to stop him as he walked in his Homewood neighborhood. Miles, who required hospital treatment as a result of the encounter, was charged with aggravated assault and resisting arrest but earlier this month the district judge dropped those charges.
The attorneys for Miles and the 3 officers say their clients passed lie detector tests. The officers, who were on a special crime prevention detail that night, remain on paid suspension.

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