Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Health Department To Find Source of Unpleasant Odors

The Allegheny County Health Department is going to begin a more aggressive effort to find the source of odors at a local landfill and try to eliminate those odors. ACHD Spokesman Guillermo Cole says they have been receiving numerous complaints from locals about the Imperial Landfill in Findlay for about a year now. The odors seem to peak in the middle of the night and calm down at daybreak. Cole says their air monitoring station shows hydrogen sulfide causing the smell, but they’re not sure why it’s increasing at night. He says they are now going to conduct routine inspections during the night to try to pinpoint the cause. Because smells are noticeable off site, Cole says “that would constitute a violation of the county’s air quality regulations.”
ACHD tests show that the odors do not cause any significant health risks off site, although they may cause headaches and irritation for some people.

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