Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I-80 Tolling Answer in April?

Governor Ed Rendell says he expects to “hear something” from the federal Department of Transportation about Pennsylvania’s I-80 tolling plan within the next two weeks.

"Some indication from the secretary. It may be that they need more information, it may be, ‘yes go ahead.’ It may be no. it could be any of those things. It could be they need information, and they want us to proceed on the environmental aspects of this. It could be any of those things."

Rendell and Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood recently discussed the tolling application during a Washington, DC meeting. Rendell says the state's legal team made "a terrific presentation."
If LaHood signs off on the plan, tolling would begin in November 2011.
Revenue would supplement transportation projects across the state.
Several Pennsylvania Congressmen had predicted a decision over the winter, but Rendell says he knew LaHood wouldn’t issue a ruling until the two of them held a face-to-face meeting on the topic.
Opponents, including members of Congress whose districts include the I-80 corridor, say tolling could hurt residents and businesses along and near the interstate.

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