Friday, March 19, 2010

Judge Orders City To Release G20 Arrest Documents

Allegheny County Judge Stanton Wettick says Pittsburgh Police must turn over arrest reports and other documents related to the handling of protesters during the G20 Summit. The Citizen Police Review Board says it needs the documents to investigate claims of police misconduct. Police made nearly 200 arrests during the G20 meeting in September. Most of the complaints came from police clashes with protesters in Oakland and Lawrenceville. The city objected to handing over the documents to the CPRB saying they were protected by federal law because the summit was a "National Security Event." But Judge Wettick said if the city believes certain documents are privileged. it should prepare a log explaining why they should not be released.
City Solicitor Dan Regan says he is reviewing the judge's decision and he wouldn't say if the city will appeal the ruling.

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