Tuesday, March 23, 2010

PA A.G. Corbett To Join Suit Against Health Care Bill

Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett plans to join in a lawsuit questioning the constitutionality of a federal health care overhaul President Obama will sign into law this morning.
Republican governors and attorneys general from at least ten states are putting together a lawsuit challenging the legality of the health care bill, a measure President Obama says will provide coverage for more than 32 million uninsured Americans.
Corbett’s office says Pennsylvania will join in the suit.
Governor Rendell says those efforts are a waste of time.

"Idaho can’t have its own passport system. Idaho can’t have its own immigration rules. There can’t be different immigration rules in California and Arizona. Once the federal government acts in an area, they act for all of us. That’s the federal supremacy clause. So it’s a waste of taxpayer’s money, and it is nothing more than political grandstanding."

State Representative Curt Schroder supports the suit.

"What happened in Washington, DC – for the first time ever, the United States Congress and the president have decreed that individual Americans must purchase a product simply by being an American. Simply by residing in this country."

Schroder has introduced an amendment to the Pennsylvania constitution that would nullify the bill’s health care mandates within the commonwealth’s borders.
Virginia has already passed a similar measure

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