Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pittsburgh Competing for Google High Speed Network

Google is looking for some cities to test their ultra-high speed broadband network that will be 100 times faster than what’s now available—one criterion is public support for the project. Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl and Carnegie Mellon President Jared Cohon are mobilizing residents, businesses and community groups to nominate Pittsburgh.

President Cohon says the Google network would be such a radical improvement of infrastructure that it’s impossible to imagine all the innovations that might result, but some applications are foreseeable. An entire college curriculum could be on the internet available to students anywhere as long as they had the necessary connectivity. It could enable communication between vehicles to sense information about traffic. This could reduce congestion and carbon footprints, as well as saving money.

Marketing and medicine could be revolutionized.

People can register their support and find out more about the project on line. The deadline is March 26th.

Google says their rates to connect to the high speed broadband will be "competitive".

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