Monday, March 1, 2010

Pittsburghers help Chile

Pittsburgh area charities and organizations are once again turning to local residents to help send humanitarian aid to an earthquake-ravaged country. An 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck Chile Saturday killing hundreds and leaving thousand homeless. United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh has set up a special “box” to collect donations for Chile relief efforts. The UJF will send the funds to The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). The UJF used that group in the past including earlier this year in their effort to help Haiti.

Brian Eglash, Senior Vice President of Financial Resource Development for the UJF says the JDC has been in Chile for decades and has already begun relief efforts. The United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh raised nearly $100,000 for Haiti and Eglash says he expects there will be another outpouring of support for Chile. He stresses that the money will be used in a nonsectarian way. Contributions can be made to the UJF online.

Brother’s Brother Foundation has also begun its relief efforts in Chile. The Pittsburgh based group is partnering with ADRA (A Seventh Day Adventists organization) and B’nai B’rith International to send pharmaceutical, medical supplies and other humanitarian relief assistance. The group expects to make a shipment in the coming days. Donations can be made on the Brother’s Brother website.

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