Monday, March 22, 2010

Veon, 2 Former Aides Convicted

Three of the four defendants in the latest "Bonusgate" public corruption trial have been convicted. Former Beaver County State Representative Mike Veon and former aides Brett Cott, Annamarie Perretta-Rosepink and Stephen Keefer were charged with theft, conspiracy, and conflict of interest for allegedly using state tax money to give bonuses to staffers who did campaign work while on state time.
Veon was convicted of 14 of the 59 counts against him including overseeing the bonuses for campaign work from 2004-2006 and for having staffers cart his motorcycles around the country. Cott was convicted of 3 counts and Perretta-Rosepink was found guilty of 5 counts.
Keefer was acquitted of all charges.
Earlier today Judge Richard Lewis denied a request by attorneys for Veon and Perretta-Rosepink to declare a mistrial. They contended that the judge on Friday should have declared a mistrial instead of excusing a juror for illness and replacing her with an alternate.
Veon's attorneys say they will appeal.
Keefer is now free and says he's happy and ready to get on with his life.
Listen to Kevin Gavin speaking with Reporter Scott Detrow moments after the verdict.

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