Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Campaign Finances for Gubernatorial Hopefuls

Campaign finance reports submitted by Pennsylvania’s gubernatorial candidates show a widening gap between the “haves” and “have nots,” when it comes to monetary resources.
According to paperwork filed with the Department of State, Attorney General Tom Corbett’s campaign heads into the final six weeks before the Republican primary with a four million dollar war chest.
Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato leads Democrats with 6.7 million dollars in the bank. Onorato’s campaign raised 909-thousand dollars last quarter, and another one hundred thousand within last week.
That’s a bit more than half of what Senator Anthony Williams took in, though 1.63 million of the Philadelphia Democrat’s 1.7 million dollars came from political action committees, rather than individual donors.
The other candidates have much more limited resources.
Auditor General Jack Wagner raised 219-thousand dollars, and has about 673-thousand dollars in the bank.
Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Hoeffel is behind the other Democratic candidates, with just 101-thousand dollars on hand.
On the Republican side, State Representative Sam Rohrer substantially trails Tom Corbett’s resources.
He raised 172-thousand dollars last quarter, but only has about 7-thousand dollars left. Tom Corbett raised 1.7 million dollars last quarter, and has four million dollars to spend before the primary.

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