Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Council holds "Miles" bills

Pittsburgh City Council members expressed legal concerns about the “Jordan Miles Public Safety Agenda” and then voted unanimously to hold the bills for three weeks. The members say they will use the time to seek an opinion from the city’s legal department before putting the legislation to vote.

Councilman Bill Peduto says the police force has been suggesting for years that cameras be mounted in police cars, but has been denied by the administration. He recounted the ways they said it would help the city.

“One: public acceptance of patrol practices, two: reduction in lawsuits, three: enhancement of officer safety, four: will provide evidence in court cases, and five: will increase the number of upheld citations,” says Peduto. “That wasn’t coming from the Citizen Police Review Board. That came from our Bureau of Police.”

Citizen Police Review Board member Beth Pittinger says the accreditation process is 70% complete, with a mock survey expected in December. She says the actual accreditation process could occur within six months of the mock investigation.

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