Friday, April 30, 2010

Debate in PA District 50

Despite facing six counts for allegedly conducting campaign work on state time, former top House Democrat Bill DeWeese is running for reelection.
He debated his primary opponents last night.
DeWeese and his main primary opponent, Greene County Commissioner Pam Snyder, only made glancing references to the charges Attorney General Tom Corbett filed against him last year. Snyder vowed at one point to make sure her legislative staffers never carry out political work.
Instead, the forum focused on issues ranging from Marcellus Shale drilling to school district consolidation to drag racing at the Greene County airport.
At one point, DeWeese joked the best way for the county to keep developing the airport would be for Snyder to remain a commissioner.
She retorted a few minutes later.

"And I just want to say, I appreciate Bill’s concern trying to keep the Greene team together, but I want Bill to enjoy that pension he boosted up for himself."

Snyder said last year’s budget impasse hurt the county’s economy, and forced her to raise taxes.
DeWeese kept returning to the argument his seniority allows him to bring projects and revenue back to the district, and voters would suffer if they elect a freshman.

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