Monday, April 26, 2010

Elected Posts as Stepping Stones

A bill barring Pennsylvania Attorneys General from running for higher office until four years after their term expires has been held up in a House committee.
Philadelphia Democrat Babette Josephs says her bill has nothing to do with Republican Attorney General Tom Corbett’s run for governor
"We want that person to be in a position who has a passion for justice. Not a person who is using that position just in order to move on to something that he or she might consider a better job."

But Corbett spokesman Kevin Harley disagrees...
"The bill is obviously politically-motivated, as it specifically singles out the Attorney General’s office. And you can’t help but wonder if it is an attempt to silence the Attorney General as part of his ongoing public corruption investigation in the Capitol."

Josephs chairs the House State Government Committee. She called a vote on the measure, but cancelled it after Philadelphia Democrat Brendan Boyle voted “no,” telling members “the vote never took place.”
Josephs concedes she didn’t have enough support to get the measure through the Democratic-controlled committee.
She says she’ll tweak the language, and may expand the ban to cover other statewide offices such as Auditor General and Treasurer.
Josephs says she wants officials to focus on their jobs, rather than use them as stepping stones.

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