Monday, April 19, 2010

Enhancing Life on the Northside

Five new micro grants have just been awarded by the Charm Bracelet Project, a collaboration of educational, cultural and recreational organizations established in 2007 that has funded more than 30 programs to have a positive impact on community life on the Northside.

Each fall and spring, the group puts out a call goes out for proposals, usually in the categories of youth empowerment, recreation, or public art. Four to eight grants are awarded in amounts from five hundred to ten thousand dollars, according to Chris Siefert, Deputy Director of the Children’s Museum.

Free kayaking on Lake Elizabeth in Commons Park near the Aviary will return this summer—a safe and popular activity for families with children. Siefert says there will again be chef demonstrations, arts, and performance events at eight of the Friday North Side Farmers Markets.

Siefert says funding has come from the Grable Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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