Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Trees Go Like Hotcakes

The city’s first of two tree giveaway days this week brought a big crowd to the City-County Building this morning. 1,000 10-inch tall saplings were handed out in less than an hour. The city had set aside two hours to hand out the trees. City of Pittsburgh Urban Forester Lisa Ceoffe says, “I’m overwhelmed by the participation. I just think it is great that the city has this many people who want to actively help to make the city greener and increase our shade canopy.” The city hopes to plant 20,000 trees by the end of 2012. Bob Glass of the North Hills says he is trying to be a bit greener and he plans to plant his sapling in his backyard. Lori Myers will be planting her tree in honor of her father and Angela Watson of Pittsburgh says she is looking to replace the pine trees she recently cut down. The city will hand out another 1,000 trees Saturday starting at 11:00am at the Frick Park Environmental Center on Beechwood Blvd. Ceoffee says the city will also be planting much larger trees along some of the city’s main thoroughfares this summer including Penn Ave, Liberty Ave and Brighton Rd. The city will also plant trees downtown as part of the International earth day celebration in June.

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