Monday, April 12, 2010

Onorato Would like to Grow Pennsylvania's Economy

Allegheny County Executive Dan Onorato spoke about his plan to make Pennsylvania's economy thrive at an event in Pittsburgh today where he received an endorsement from Congressman Mike Doyle.

He said he would mirror many of the practices that had been successful in Allegheny County.

His plan is to establish a climate where businesses can succeed, launch a "grow your own" success strategy to help firms start, expand and prosper, encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, boost export opportunities for Pennsylvania companies and ensure that the state's population is prepared for and able to access high-skill, well-paying jobs.

Part of his plan is to have shovel-ready sites ready for the private sector so when they propose establishing businesses, they can do it instantly and have prospects to look at. These would ideally be old factory sites that have been re-purposed.

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